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About Us

From The Pristine Peaks of the Cascades, Dominated by Mt. Rainier, The Columbia Basin, The Peaks of the Olympic Mountains, The Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean, Washington State has a natural beauty unrivaled by most. Currently, the party headquarters is in Auburn Washington.


The State does have one major underlying issue. It has been dominated by liberals and socialists whose policies have left once beautiful cities like Seattle, once one of the Crown jewels of our state, into a seething cesspool of used drug needles, Human waste, and litter on our streets.


In 2020, amidst a Coronavirus Pandemic, Democrat Governor Jay Inslee has kept the residents in a home prison. From March 2020 and during the remainder of the year, he has kept the state in "lockdown" as a way to "Lower the Covid-19 infections and keep hospitals from being overwhelmed." What started as a 2 week lockdown has dragged on for many months and his policies have not brought the Covid cases down, Instead it has created an Economic crisis that is out of control.


In November 2020, a general election was held. Seemingly overnight, 4 battleground states went from President Donald Trump having a comfortable lead, to Democrat challenger Joe Biden suddenly having those leads stripped away from the president.


Republican response to the results was not only Loud and clear, but also shocking! They called for the President to step down and let Biden take control. This only told us one thing; The Republican elite don't care about party, they care about "looking good to their Democrat counterparts. President Trump had become the voice of those people the elitists left out in the cold. As a result, a grassroots organizing took place to form what is called the "Patriot Party".


Initially a few states started their own branches of the Patriot Party, The first states were: Arizona, Idaho, Nevada and Washington State.


Our Platform is simple:

  • America First. Buy American!

  • Term Limits for Congress, Governors Office and State Legislature.

  • Voter ID & Voting reform to prevent any type of possible voter fraud.

  • Constitutional Restoration. Hold fast to constitutional law.


We believe these are things that Democrat and republican voters can get behind.


  • USALife
  • Rumble
  • Parler
  • Mewe
  • Clouthub

© 2020 by Washington State Patriot Party. Proudly created with

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